The Only Thing I am Consistent at, is Inconsistency!

Amrita Singh
2 min readFeb 8, 2022

As a writer, I’m supposed to sit my ass down in front of my laptop and churn out at least 2,000 words a day if not more. Unfortunately, I have never been able to do it. At least not in the recent times and definitely not on a daily basis.

Writer using black typewriter
Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

The greatest of writers have said it time and again that being consistent is the key to improving your craft. I agree with them but sadly, I have never been able to be consistent in anything. Ironically, the only thing I am consistent at is being inconsistent.

I can blame all of this on my sun sign. I am a Gemini you see. Geminis are known to be flaky and indecisive. More than anything, they get distracted within seconds and they want to dip their fingers in ten different things all at once. That sounds just like me.

Photo by Pedro da Silva on Unsplash

Be it creating content for my social media, completing my website or writing up a blog post for Medium, I just lag behind. I procrastinate. At times, I just don’t feel like writing at all. There have been times when I have left things half done because I was too bored to continue with them.

Throughout these patterns, I’ve realized one thing- my inconsistency has some benefits! It helps me feel guilty about all the time I have wasted without writing a thing and well, it gave me the idea for this blog. So, here’s to trying to be a little more consistent in the new year!



Amrita Singh

Copywriter + Strategist. Dabbles into poetry and drinks a galleon of coffee. Loves daisies and talking. For more: